Elon musk Chief Executive of Twitter

 Elon musk

Elon musk Chief Executive of Twitter

Chief Executive of Twitter

Elon Musk was born on June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa.

His mother, Maye, was a model and actress; his father, Errol Musk, was an engineer at the University of Cape Town.


Though Elon’s parents divorced when he was 11 years old, they remained close friends until his mother’s death in 2008.


Elon attended Pretoria Boys High School from 1988 to 1993, where he studied physics and mathematics. His first job out of high school was working at an arcade as a video game designer for six months before becoming a web designer for a local newspaper called “The Sun” (which has since been renamed “The Times”).

Elon then moved on to work at Zip2 Corporation in California as an online financial planner before starting X.com with his brother Kimball Musk in 1999. The business grew quickly and eventually became PayPal; it went public in 2002 and changed its name to PayPal Holdings Incorporated in 2015.

Musk is the founder, CEO, and lead designer of Space X. He has built a reputation for being an entrepreneur with a daring spirit. He started his first company when he was 17 years old and went to college in South Africa. He did not graduate from college, but instead focused on his businesses.


Musk has always been fascinated with space travel, and he has made it his mission to help further humankind’s exploration of space through reusable rockets and spacecraft’s.


In 2001, Musk founded PayPal with Peter Thiel, Luke Nosek, and Max Levchin. The company went public in 2002 and was acquired by eBay in 2002 for $1.5 billion. After the sale of PayPal, Musk continued to work on Tesla Motors while also serving as chairman at Tesla Board member (2002-2003). In 2004 Musk left Tesla Motors in order to focus on SpaceX which was founded in 2002 after NASA gave Elon Musk a grant to develop better rockets capable of carrying humans into space without using fuel from Earth’s gravity well (space life)


Elon Mosk’s Zip2 is a unique and innovative product that revolutionized the way people commute to work.


The Zip2 Is an automated vehicle that can drive itself, with no human on board. It has a modular design that allows for easy customization and expansion, as well as being able to be easily transported and stored.


Elon musk Chief Executive of Twitter

Elon Mosk’s Zip2 uses artificial intelligence to navigate through traffic and avoid accidents. The vehicle’s sensors are able to detect obstacles in its path and respond accordingly, while also being able to predict what will happen next based on past experiences with other vehicles on the road.


X.com & PayPal

The Elon Musk X.com & PayPal is a site for finding the best online payment solutions for businesses and individuals. You can compare the different types of credit card processing, as well as different ways to accept credit card payments from your website.


Elon musk Chief Executive of Twitter

The Elon Musk X.com & PayPal allows you to enter your business or personal information and see how much money you could make from accepting credit card payments. It also helps you understand what are the best options for accepting credit cards on your website, so that you can make sure that it works for your needs.


You can also compare different types of payment processing methods, such as direct deposit or eCheck, which will help you decide which is best for your business or personal needs.



Space x

Space X is a private company that was founded by Elon Musk in 2002. The company’s mission is to further the exploration of space and help humanity become a multiplanetary species, something that has not been done before. Their first project was the Falcon 1 rocket, which was successfully launched into space in 2005. Since then, they have developed many more rockets and spacecrafts for use in space, including their Falcon 9 rocket, which is currently being used for satellite launches.


Elon musk space X

Ø 2007, Space X launched their first commercial spacecraft: Dragon – a reusable unmanned spacecraft designed to carry cargo to the International Space Station (ISS).


Ø 2012, they successfully launched their first manned spaceship: Dragon 2 – a capsule designed for manned missions into space. The Dragon 2 capsule will be used for further human exploration into outer space and is scheduled to begin its missions in 2017.


Ø  2016, SpaceX announced plans for another rocket called Starlink – this time with plans to launch a constellation of satellites that would provide internet access around the world via satellite




The Starlink project is an initiative by SpaceX to develop a satellite internet system that could provide high-speed internet coverage across most of Earth’s surface using small satellites in orbit around Earth. The system is expected to be completed in 2020, though some recent delays have pushed back its full launch date to 2023.


Elon musk Chief Executive of Twitter


Tesla's stock price has fallen by more than 10% since the SEC has accused Elon Musk of securities fraud. As a result, Tesla investors are suing him for misleading them about the company's business and future prospects.


The SEC alleges that Musk made false and misleading statements about his plans to take Tesla private in a series of tweets on August 7th, 2018.


The agency stated that Musk had "agreed to settle the charges against him, without admitting or denying the allegations." In addition, he will pay a fine of $20 million and be prohibited from serving as an officer or director of any publicly traded company for three years.


Tesla shareholders also filed a lawsuit against Musk on August 14th, claiming that he had violated his fiduciary duty by making "false and misleading statements" about the company's financial health in connection with taking it private and that this was done "with reckless disregard for investors' interests."


SEC and shareholder lawsuits regarding tweets

Tesla has been under fire lately for its CEO, Elon Musk's, tweets. The company is reportedly facing SEC investigations and shareholder lawsuits regarding the CEO's tweets.


Ø  2018, Elon Musk tweeted that he had "funding secured" to take Tesla private at $420 per share. The stock market immediately responded with an upward surge in price and shares jumped from $327 to $370 per share.


The SEC investigated whether or not Musk had broken any securities laws by tweeting about taking the company private when he was not authorized to do so. The investigation concluded that Musk had indeed violated federal securities laws by tweeting about taking Tesla private without having previously discussed it with Tesla's board of directors or financial advisors, which could be considered an attempt to influence the price of Tesla stock ahead of time—something that would be illegal if done as part of a public offering (which would require SEC approval). The SEC also found that Musk had repeatedly misled investors in his statements about securing funding for this endeavor; however, they did not find any evidence that he committed fraud nor did theyrsue any charges against him based on those findings.


Solar City

Company that provides services in the field of cloud computing. The company has a team of highly skilled professionals who are committed to providing the best services to their clients. Their website provides detailed information about their services, which include cloud services, data analysis and security. The company has been providing these services since last year and it has grown steadily in terms of its customer base as well as number of employees.



In july,2016 elon mosk and max dodak discovered neuronlike

is another company that offers cloud computing services with a focus on data analysis and security. The company’s website also provides detailed information about its services and plans for growth in the future. It offers tools for data analysis and visualization, which help businesses understand their customers better.



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is yet another firm offering cloud computing services with a focus on data analysis and visualization to help businesses understand their customers better.



Elon Musk buys Twitter for $1.4bn and says he’s done with the company


Elon Musk has bought Twitter for $1.4bn, the Silicon Valley billionaire said on Monday. The buyout is a high-profile addition to Mr Musk’s growing portfolio of investments in renewable energy technologies and other high-tech industries.


The purchase comes after months of speculation that Mr Musk would make a bid for the social media site. He told his followers in a series of tweets that he had purchased the popular microblogging service, which has been struggling to keep up with rival platforms such as Facebook and Snapchat. “I didn’t need the money,” Mr Musk tweeted. “I’m doing this because I believe in Elon Musk and what he wants to do.”

Elon musk Chief Executive of Twitter

Mr Musk, who also owns electric car maker Tesla and rocket company SpaceX, said that he expected to take on some of Tesla’s current responsibilities for running Twitter if it became part of his portfolio.

Twitter shares jumped 2% following news of Mr Musk’s plans, but were still down 3% from their peak last year when they were valued at more than $40bn.


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